Senin, 13 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ In Praise of the Potato: Recipes from Around the World by Lindsey Bareham

In Praise of the Potato: Recipes from Around the World by Lindsey Bareham

In Praise of the Potato: Recipes from Around the World

In Praise of the Potato: Recipes from Around the World by Lindsey Bareham PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A collection of potato recipes from all over the world, including history, lore and legend, this book describes all the cooking methods - boil, steam, mash, roast, saute, deep fry and au gratin - and numerous unexpected variations on the themes. Then, turning to potato recipes, the author includes an exhaustive collection of appetisers, soups, salads, lunch, side and dinner dishes, ideas for using leftovers, stuffings, sauces, buns, cakes, breads and drinks. Lindsey Bareham has written "Mood Food", "The Time Out London Shopping Guide" and "The London Ethnic Restaurant Guide".

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