Operations Research: An Introduction (8th Edition) by Hamdy A. Taha
Operations Research: An Introduction (8th Edition) by Hamdy A. Taha PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Significantly revised, this book provides balanced coverage of the theory, applications, and computations of operations research. The applications and computations in operations research are emphasized. Significantly revised, this text streamlines the coverage of the theory, applications, and computations of operations research. Numerical examples are effectively used to explain complex mathematical concepts. A separate chapter of fully analyzed applications aptly demonstrates the diverse use of OR. The popular commercial and tutorial software AMPL, Excel, Excel Solver, and Tora are used throughout the book to solve practical problems and to test theoretical concepts. New materials include Markov chains, TSP heuristics, new LP models, and a totally new simplex-based approach to LP sensitivity analysis.
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