Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Vital Skills by Straker, Kathleen and Kelman, Eugenia

Vital Skills by Straker, Kathleen and Kelman, Eugenia

Vital Skills

Vital Skills by Straker, Kathleen and Kelman, Eugenia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

If you are looking for a systematic approach to your studies, look no further. The authors of Vital Skillsare study skills experts who have researched and tested the strategies taught in this book.

Vital Skills will teach you how to: plan and manage your time; get the most out of lectures; organize your notes; improve your long-term memory; reduce test anxiety; prepare for exams.

Vital Skills contains exactly what you need to know and do to achieve academic success!

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